Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Berlin, oh when will you be Spring?

I am ready for Spring, Berlin is ready for Spring- really the world is ready for Spring (excluding that whole Southern Hemisphere-but I live in Germany I am allowed to be Northern-Hemisphere centric when talking of the weather). So weather gods, if I am ready for Spring, and everyone else is ready for spring, why aren't you complying? In my room, I've a few attempts to herald Spring, last week I made a Spring collage and my roommate gave me a beautiful new flower for my room for Valentine's Day. I've named her Roxanne. It suits, doesn't it?

Ugh, lying in my bed today, attempting to write an art history essay, I wish the outside was more tempting. I want to go for a walk, not wear tights, and maybe even sit on the ground without fear of catching some deadly winter cold (I'm still getting over yet another one).

But with all the doom and gloom of a Spring not yet here- today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. For those of you unaccustomed with my Catholicism, I love Lent. It is perhaps my favorite time of year. How could it not be? It ushers in the Spring and leads to my favorite holiday-Easter. Lent is a marvelous time, one meant for reflection, sacrifice, and in which you can challenge yourself. That is how I opt to see Lent- as a challenge. I traditionally give something up, as well as embark upon a Lenten project. I always give Chocolate up, and this year I've decided to give up all sweets and coffee as well. Last year I gave up eating out for Lent, with marvelous results and much money going into the rice bowl. I hope this year may be as successful. I've decided on two Lenten projects- the first is of a secular nature, I am going to read Eneas Roman. It is a middle High German novel (12th c.) based on the story of Aeneas. There's a seminar I'd like to take next semester, and you have to have read it. The second is to make my way through the Psalms. I've read them before- but my mastery of them and power of recall is seriously limited. I'm going to give it another go- is there a better time for such a task then Lent? If I come to any amazing conclusions-you might just see them here.

Ash Wednesday is here, I'll go get ashes in German at my local church tonight, and Spring cannot be too much further behind- but what are you giving up for Lent?

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