Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Bed is Very, Very, Comfy

I am sick. I haven't left my bed for much for the last three days. That said, beyond being sick, it is nice to take a break. My mystery German meds work rather well, and I am living pain free, just also energy and motivation free as well. My classes start Monday- so I feel little motivation to do anything until then, I'd like to be better when classes begin.

Outside is cool and rainy, so I don't feel like I am missing much, but it would be nice to venture a bit further than the mailbox everyday. Okay, that sounds like I am feeling very sorry for myself- but it is totally not the case. I am working on my scarf with the Alpaca wool Lindsey brought me back from Peru, and listening to lots of N.W.A. Is there a better album that Straight Outta Compton when you are sick? Well, when you are me and love Gangsta Rap, no.

It is funny, I've been more and more drawn to the early 90's California hip-hop scene than ever before. I told my mom I'd love Dr. Dre's classic The Chronic for Christmas, but I think she was unwilling to purchase such an album for me.

Bummer! I'll just have to get it for myself. How can I resist? Dr. Dre and early Snoop- working together and laying down the tightest beats in G-Funk. I mean, it is the creation of G-Funk. Maybe she'd be down with People Under the Stairs. I don't have "O.S.T.", and I'd like that album.

Hmmm...they are less violent and more underground. Which means harder to find, scratch that. I guess I'll just be surprised.

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