Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

If being wise is the price for having wisdom teeth, I'd much rather be foolish, but no one asked my opinion, and I have all four wisdom teeth. Well make that two wisdom teeth now. Yesterday I had two of the four removed, the other two will come out in a few weeks. It was very much a surreal experience. I went in on Wednesday to the oral surgeon for a consultation. He took x-rays, explained the procedure, and sent me out to make an appointment. At the reception desk, she looked at her book, asked me what my schedule was like, and said, "How's tomorrow?" And the appointment was made, I was getting some wisdom teeth out in less than 24 hours. Fun.

What did I do first? I called my friend Michael to see if he could go with me- he could. Then I went and bought plenty of yogurt drinks and yogurt, as I cannot have solid foods- they are my lifeline. I called the family, took a bath, and tried to sleep.

Michael met me at my oral surgeons, it was such a blessing having him there. If I hadn't been with a friend to make me laugh, etc, it would have been miserable. The entire visit took less than a half hour. They saw me in, sat me down, shot me full of Novocaine (yes, no pleasant unconsciousness for me!), waited a few minutes, and then got down to work. It was a very surreal and terrifying experience to be awake while they took out some wisdom teeth. I think I might have preferred to be put under, but if my recovery is anything to go by- I feel alright- no where near the craziness I've heard from some of my friends to have the procedure before me.

The next saga of my ordeal involves pain medication. Normally, in the US, you are prescribed high powered meds, and lots of them. Not the case in Germany- 400mg Ibuprofen for me- no prescription necessary! There's a dull pain, but I think I'll survive. Just think of the bragging rights I'll have! I was awake when my wisdom teeth were pulled out and I did it with over the counter pain meds! I just really wish I didn't have to go through with this one more time.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

It was a while ago, but because I was pretty young when I got all of my wisdom teeth out, they just gave me 500mg ibuprophen, and I was okay after the first two days. (My mom has some stories about what I was like while still on the laughing gas, but I was basically asleep for the next few days. I can measure this by the fact that my parents rented me six movies a day, I watched all of them, but by the end of the week I could only remember the titles of two.)

I hope you're doing all right. I can't imagine being aware of what was going on. Be looking out for a pick-you-up letter in the mail. Altz lib un gezunt!