Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fall IS Here

It is officially Autumn. Or so I think. This weekend, the temperature dropped about 15 degrees and the sun began to seriously win its game of hide and seek with the clouds gathered over Berlin. Bummer man. Last week was glorious and sunny- but as I scan the forecast for next week, I see that the sun is not coming out to play anytime soon.

To augment the cooler weather, I went to buy some more tights. It was there that I decided, Germany is the country for me. I went to a large department store and found thousands of tights- in hundreds of styles and colors- enough to keep my legs warm during the coming cold and keep me in style! Up to the next floor- hats and scarves galore. The item which sealed the deal, however, were the gloves. Of all colors, materials, and lengths. I was tempted to buy at least three pair right then and there. I did, however, restrain myself. I'd like any gloves to coordinate with the yet-to-be purchased winter coat. In keeping with the cooler mood, I did manage to find, on my neighborhood ramblings, a produce stand with rather delicious clementines. I am not sure what their providence is, but they are delicious none the less.

The weather does not seem to be curtailing the normal German activities, except sadly the tables and benches are beginning to leave side walk cafes. I spent Saturday morning at Treptower park and then moved to my favorite cafe in Kreuzberg when the weather grew too cold. There were a few brave souls outdoors, but inside was far fuller than I had seen it before. And to think, it is only September! Good thing my local coffee place has coffee for 1€.

I went to the evening mass at my local church tonight, it was not heated. I doubt it will be heated as the weather grows colder- but I guess I'll have to wait to see.

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